Catholic News Service

Catholic News Service

ROUEN, France – During the Aug. 2 funeral Mass for Father Jacques Hamel, killed a week earlier by men claiming allegiance to the Islamic State, Archbishop Dominique Lebrun of Rouen stressed the need for forgiveness.

HOUSTON – The Harris County district attorney's office dropped the last remaining charges against David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt July 26.

KRAKOW, Poland – Pope Francis held up the life of a young man who designed the World Youth Day graphics as a gift to the church.

WASHINGTON – While most U.S. bishops have not publicly addressed comments from Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump regarding immigration, a popular U.S. cardinal and advisor to the Pope said he is worried about such rhetoric.

COOPERSTOWN, N.Y. – Mike Piazza, the superstar catcher inducted July 24 into the National Baseball Hall of Fame, gave credit to his Catholic faith for his success during his induction speech.

VATICAN CITY – Pope Francis offered his help to the people of Nice in a surprise phone call following a deadly attack during Bastille Day celebrations, said the head of an association of Italians living in France.

BATON ROUGE, La. – Baton Rouge Bishop Robert W. Muench renewed a call for a diocesan-wide week of prayer, fasting and reflection after the latest fatal shootings in the city, which this time took the lives of three law enforcement officers.

BALTIMORE – The National Black Catholic Congress July 13 issued a prayer and call to action following a week of violence across the United States that saw police in Louisiana and Minnesota shoot two suspects and a sniper in Dallas kill police officers.

WASHINGTON – In a bipartisan 245-182 vote, House members July 13 passed the Conscience Protection Act, which would provide legal protection to doctors, nurses, hospitals and all health care providers who choose not to provide abortions as part of their health care practice.

LONDON – An English cardinal said he was delighted by the appointment of Theresa May as Britain's new prime minister because of the commitment she has shown in the fight against human trafficking.