When I was a child I watched a movie called Village of the Damned. It was creepy and scary.

Since 2009, Edmonton, along with 12 other Canadian cities, has been implementing a Ten-Year Plan to End Homelessness. Unlike other “plans,” this one does not merely set a target and hope it comes true; solid work is being done to provide housing and prevent future homelessness.

June 17 will mark two years since Canada’s Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) law received royal assent. 

Pope Francis often cozies up to young admirers as they raise their smartphones to snap selfies.  But it seems he may be having second thoughts about humouring the selfie generation.

The pipette appears on the screen and sucks up a dot, which is actually human sperm that has been genetically altered. Then the small laboratory tool pierces the membrane of a human egg, releases the sperm, “and you have changed the genetic destiny of that embryo,” notes television host Bill Whitaker. “Yes, we believe so,” nods scientist Shoukhrat Mitalipov. 

When Dr. Cathy Ferrier was announced as the Bishop Adam Exner Award winner by the Catholic Civil Rights League last week, she responded with the deep grace familiar to all who know her.

I have found God inescapable for most of my life. Even when I try to run away, there He is. 

If you’re reading this, you are likely racist.

Indian residential schools were established by Canada’s federal government, but Christian churches, including the Catholic Church, bought into the plan with enthusiasm.

We just witnessed the wonderful scene of thousands of Canadians marching in Ottawa to show their support for life. It was encouraging but also raises some serious questions.

They are desperate, poor and usually forgotten until violence erupts and the world takes note of them burying their dead.