An open letter to from Richard Dur to Alberta Premier Danielle Smith about Jordan Peterson
An open letter from Richard Dur, executive director of Prolife Alberta, to Alberta Premier Danielle Smithabout Jordan Peterson, free speech and abortion clinic bubble zones.
The age has lost its youth, and the times begin to grow old.
2 Esdras 14: 10
Recently my executive assistant pointed out that the photo I was using for my column was … out of date. Her diplomatic wording sounded more like: “You are waaaay older than you were when the photo was taken. You should change it. Truth in advertising.” It did force me to confront the reality of aging.
We live in an altered universe in which some have the power to destroy a group or individual without proof but with vile labels. Worse, they are funded by our federal government with your tax dollars.
They are the arbiters what may be expressed and what should be suppressed, and even what may be believed. Some call it cancel culture. It should be called what it is: bigotry.
Excerpt from Pope Francis’ message for the World Day of Creation
Excerpt from Pope Francis’ message for the World Day of Creation to be celebrated Sept. 1, 2024.