A bishop's legacy should be encouragement to follow Christ, Pope says
VATICAN – When a bishop leaves a diocese, he should give an honest assessment of what he has done and where he has fallen short, but mostly he should encourage people to follow the Lord, Pope Francis said.
The devil is a big loser, but still manages to seduce us, Pope says
VATICAN – The devil is "a loser," but he still tricks people into giving him power, Pope Francis said.
Bishops must protect their people from danger, Pope says
VATICAN – A true bishop always stays close to his people, protecting them from "wolves" and from losing their way, Pope Francis said.
Too much curiosity can lead to danger, harm the soul, Pope says
VATICAN – Although a healthy curiosity can lead to new discoveries, too much curiosity can open the door to dangerous things that harm the soul, Pope Francis said.
Heaven is an encounter with Jesus, not a boring waiting room, Pope says
VATICAN CITY – Heaven is not an eternally dull existence but rather the completion of a journey toward a promised encounter with the Lord, Pope Francis said.
Without love, service, church is just an 'empty institution', Pope says
VATICAN – The example of selfless love and humble service set forth by Jesus at the Last Supper are the foundation of the Catholic Church's mission in the world, Pope Francis said.
The church works best when moving forward, but not all new things are good, Pope says
VATICAN – The church is like a bicycle -- it stays upright as long as it keeps moving, Pope Francis said.
Don't be 'couch potatoes,' get up and evangelize, Pope says
VATICAN – Christians must be willing to move where the Spirit leads them and not be benchwarmers on the sidelines of efforts to evangelize, Pope Francis said.
Church needs prophets, not critics, Pope says
VATICAN – The church needs true prophets who not only speak the truth fearlessly, but also empathize with the suffering of their people, Pope Francis said.
Be careful of the freedom you seek, lest you become a slave of the world, Pope says
VATICAN – Christian freedom is being free from worldly ambition, fashion and passion and being open to God's will, Pope Francis said.