TORONTO – When Marshall McLuhan died New Year’s Eve 1980, the University of Toronto lost a man they found slightly embarrassing.

Regis College at the University of Toronto is training Catholic educators on how to provide pastoral care for students who are homosexual, confused about their sexuality or feel conflicted with their physical gender.

An increasing number of Calgarians are signing up for a Catholic post-secondary education.

University students and other young adults from the Catholic and First Nations communities in Saskatoon are embarking on their own path of reconciliation, one they hope leads to a better future for themselves and for the environment.

Catholic universities are bastions of informed and adventurous secularism. In fact, the more overtly and decidedly Catholic a university becomes the more it is able to contribute to secular Canadian society.

VATICAN CITY – The sun is not yet up and Gianni Crea is making his way down a pitch-black corridor inside the Vatican’s world-famous museums.

When Bishop Vincent Nguyen arrived in Toronto fresh from a refugee camp, after surviving a dangerous journey in a flimsy fishing boat, he found a home.

The Toronto Maple Leafs haven’t given fans much to cheer about in recent years. But a 15-year-old girl from a Toronto Catholic high school hopes to help turn that around.

TORONTO – Bishop Robert Kasun has been to Rome to buy a pectoral cross, mitre, ring — all the gear you need to be a bishop. But Kasun, ordained on Sept. 12 in Edmonton to serve as auxiliary bishop for the Archdiocese of Toronto, didn’t really have time — and he was a bit put off by the prices — to pick up a new crozier.