Catholic Register Staff

Catholic Register Staff

Please come again

Re: Where are the missionaries who will evangelize today? (Aug. 5-12):

Fr. de Souza criticizes the Cathedral of St. Boniface, Man., calling it “the saddest church to visit in Canada.”

Granted, the new cathedral does not “soar” like the former one, but it is exactly the juxtaposition between the old and the new that makes this an interesting site to visit. The new cathedral enshrined within the shell of the old one respects our past and incorporates the new.

It is not architecture that gives spirituality to a cathedral but, rather, the Christian community that worships within its walls. Perhaps  Fr. de Souza should delve into our history and come for another visit.

Aurise Kondziela,

Winnipeg, Man.

When Britain declared war on Germany on Sept. 3, 1939, it was just a formality that Canada would follow suit, which it did a week later. As the war clouds darkened and Canadian troops prepared for the Second World War, Archbishop of Toronto James McGuigan issued a pastoral letter, published in The Register on Sept.  7, 1939:

St. Mother Teresa died Sept. 5, 1997 at age 87 after a lifetime of work with the poor in India. The founder of the Missionaries of Charity made several visits to Canada over the years and, in 1988, also recorded a message for the 100th anniversary of the Edmonton Catholic Schools. Here’s that message as reprinted in the pages of The Register after her death 21 years ago.

The CEO of Salt+Light Media in Toronto has been drawn into the sex abuse scandal engulfing the Vatican by contesting at least one claim by an archbishop who alleges that Pope Francis participated in a coverup.

The Catholic Register is pleased to introduce these 11 young people selected for this year’s YSN program.


ysn andrea


Vancouver, B.C.
Dsouza, 22, is a fourth-year Indigenous studies student at University of British Columbia.

ysn kathleena


Mississauga, Ont.
Henricus, 15, is a Grade 10 student at Cawthra Park Secondary School.

ysn janelle


Winnipeg, Man.

Lafantaisie, 24, is a photographer for Alice and Flore photography.

ysn gabriella


Barry's Bay, Ont. 
Pariseau, 21, is a third-year Catholic studies student at Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College.

ysn vincent


Toronto, Ont. 
Pham, 17, is a Grade 12 student at Chaminade College School.

ysn declan


Edmonton, Alta
Riley, 23, is a third-year journalism student at MacEwan University.

ysn danielle


London, Ont. 
Rivest, 22, is a first-year education student at Western University.

ysn michael


St. Catharines, Ont.
Romen, 24, is a third-year English and Classics student at Brock University

ysn abigail


Sault Ste Marie, Ont.
St. Pierre, 16, is a Gr. 11 student at St. Mary's College

ysn catherine


Sturgeon County, Alta. 
Szojka, 17, is a Gr. 12 student at St. Gabriel Online School.

ysn nicole


Mississauga, Ont. 
Vaz, 16, is a Gr. 12 student at Fr. Michael Goetz Secondary School

Starlight, star bright

Re: Forgiveness is the greatest miracle (July 22-29):

Fr. Rolheiser states that “the miracle” of a starlit night sky “goes mostly unnoticed; we watch television instead.”

Deeper reasons for this may be involved. Humans spill so much light into the sky that few of our present generation have ever experienced what the natural night sky looks like. Most of the lighting industry displays a stunning indifference to this issue. And the amount of  “light-pollution” continues to increase by about six per cent annually in most places.

Sleeping in insufficient darkness suppresses our immune systems. Artificial light disrupts the life-cycles of insects, birds, amphibians and other animals. Many people think responsibility for our environment is a religious issue and light-pollution is certainly included in this. Does your porchlight shine upward?

James LaFramboise,

Thornhill, Ont.

The “evil” in the Church can and must be “rooted out,” Toronto Cardinal Thomas Collins says.

In the dog days of August, at the height of vacation season, it is tempting to let a few things slide. But not too much. One hundred years ago, The Catholic Register did its summer duty by reminding parents of their own duty when it came to their children. From the July 18, 1918 issue, The Register offers advice that still may apply today.

Pope Pius X died on Aug. 20, 1914, just as the First World War was breaking out across Europe. Born in a small Italian village in 1835, Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto rose through the Church ranks and was elected pope in 1903. During his 11-year reign, he was conservative when it came to Church doctrine, but was also known for reforming Church hierarchy and for his devotion to the Eucharist. He was canonized in 1954. Upon his death, Register editor Fr. A. E. Burke (right) penned the obituary in the newspaper, then known as The Catholic Register and Canadian Extension. In an excerpt from that story appearing Aug. 27, 1914, Burke reported on the Pope’s final moments and recounts a meeting he once had with him:

Despite declining health, Pope John Paul II made good on his promise on July 23, 1984 by stepping off a plane in Toronto to attend World Youth Day celebrations. The Register covered every angle of the massive event, including the Pope’s arrival at Pearson airport, as Christl Dabu reported in the paper’s special World Youth Day 2002 edition: