HAMILTON, Ont. - It was after dark when the Canadian medical team pulled up outside the rural Ugandan clinic. Just outside of Kampala, St. Stevens was, as is often the case, shrouded in darkness due to a power outage. Inside, they found that many of the 20 patients were suffering the effects of malaria. A nurse was triaging a patient by the light of a kerosene lamp.
"Called by Name" creates vocation culture
By Sara Loftson, The Catholic RegisterNational Catholic Mission to air in late March
By Sara Loftson, The Catholic RegisterNo sugar coating of Anglican-Catholic tensions
By Cindy Wooden, Catholic News ServiceBook of Revelation offers hope, says Collins
By Joseph SinasacWATERLOO, Ont. - The Book of Revelation is not meant to be used “like an Ouija board” to predict the end of the world, says Toronto Archbishop Thomas Collins. Rather this last book of the Bible is meant to offer hope and courage for Christians living in difficult times.