Speaking Out

Doubt in your religious beliefs is that uncomfortable topic no one wants to broach. So … let’s talk about it!

Speaking Out: Times demand holy social action


“In difficult situations, we are called to be holy,” said Cardinal Thomas Collins, the Archbishop of Toronto, during his homily on April 28.

Speaking Out: A chance for a spiritual reset


Nearly a year ago, I began physical therapy for a medical condition. The need for it came at a difficult time as I was excited about starting a new job and moving out for the first time.

Speaking Out: St. Joseph a guide for young love


As a young person, finding love can be extremely hard. While Catholics have historically turned to St. Joseph for help in this matter, this revered saint is perhaps overlooked by today’s young people for the guidance he can provide to those looking for their future spouse.

Speaking Out: Treasure the gift of our elderly


Two of my grandparents have shown me by example what it looks like to live a life of true Christian values.

Speaking Out: Doing the right thing for God and country


Our lives have changed drastically in the past month. In late February, we received ashes to mark the beginning of another Lenten season; now, we are deprived of visiting Church for Holy Week.

Speaking Out: Making the most of each day


“You better not have any excuses for being bored.”

That was always my parents’ warning at the start of every summer as we had books, board games, bikes and other various activities to enjoy. What they really meant was for us to “take advantage of the situation and appreciate the present as much as possible because there might be something in the future that will make this a fond memory.”

Speaking Out: Love and trust in the ‘new normal’


These are stressful times. Hospitals are full, shops shut down, schools closed and Masses suspended indefinitely. All around the world, we’re urged to “flatten the curve” of COVID-19 by practising social distancing and self-isolation.

Speaking Out: Making the time for youth ministry


A year ago, I decided to take on a position at St. Michael’s Cathedral Basilica in Toronto as a part-time sacristan. I knew this role would present new priorities, but while on the job I aimed to maintain my involvement in youth ministry at my home parish, Vietnamese Martyrs, to the best of my abilities. At that time, I was a Grade 12 student, completing high school.

Speaking Out: Confession has no room for fear


“Just as an artist, using his brush as an instrument, paints a beautiful picture, so God through the sacraments draws His own image on the soul of man.”

Speaking Out: No better classmate than a real saint


As February rolls into March, one of the biggest academic hurdles for high school and university students will be long gone: first semester.