A power struggle at the top of the U.S. National Rifle Association ‘pert near turned its annual convention into a Gunfight at the O.K. Corral last weekend.
Charles Lewis: Religious liberty is fading fast
By Charles LewisWe are witnessing a collapse of religious freedom in Canada. Anyone who doubts it is naïve or completely uniformed. There may be some who simply cannot believe this is happening in a modern democracy. But it is.
Vanessa Santilli-Raimondo: Time to put our digital lives in order
By Vanessa Santilli-Raimondo, The Catholic RegisterThere’s a line in Pope Francis’ recent Apostolic Exhortation to young people Christus Vivit that jumps out at me. When he writes that “digital media can expose people to the risk of addiction, isolation and gradual loss of contact with concrete reality,” he is speaking to my own millennial heart.
Gerry Turcotte: Yes, a little tenderness can change the world
By Gerry TurcotteIt is rare to laugh out loud when listening to a news item, but recently this is exactly what happened.
Leah Perrault: Healing starts with allowing God to heal
By Leah PerraultHealing was not the invitation I was expecting when I showed up at church several weeks ago.
Peter Stockland: Resurrection joy felt in new ways
By Peter StocklandA week before celebrating the Resurrection, we had the resurrection of Resurrection.
Glen Argan: Faith requires an encounter with Christ
By Glen ArganBelief in the bodily resurrection from the dead of the crucified Christ is the core of Christian faith. St. Paul stated the point succinctly: “If Christ had not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins” (1 Corinthians 15:17).
Indeed, the importance of the Resurrection goes further than that. The empty tomb reveals that the Resurrection is not a testimony to the immortality of the soul or to a “spiritual” rising in which Christ’s spirit lives in His followers while His body decays in the ground. As well, the rational grounds for belief in the Resurrection are evidence that faith is not blind or irrational.
Robert Kinghorn: No one need walk alone on the road of despair
By Robert KinghornAlleluia, alleluia give thanks to the risen Lord Alleluia, alleluia give praise to His name.
The music had barely faded from our Easter liturgy when I walked into the hospital room of a woman I had been asked to visit but had never met.
Bob Brehl: The redemption of Tiger amidst #MeToo
By Robert BrehlThe excitement surrounding Tiger Woods’ historic win at the Masters golf tournament is undeniable, but it also raises some questions.
Cathy Majtenyi: Wilson-Raybould sets the right example
By Cathy MajtenyiIt was the bombshell conversation that sealed the fate of a string of federal government officials connecting right up to the office of the prime minister.
Charles Lewis: A prayer for Francis the panhandler
By Charles LewisFor a number of years there was a panhandler standing outside St. Michael’s Cathedral in downtown Toronto. His name was Francis. I liked him quite a bit. Which should not be thought of as a given since there are some panhandlers who, over the years, have gotten on my nerves. I know it is not a Christian thing to say but there it is.