Take flight with Simon Caldwell’s Catholic novel

A few years ago, on the Word on Fire website, author Andrew Petiprin mused, “Wouldn’t it be a powerful witness if there were new Catholic novels to grab off the newsstand at the airport?”

Verbatim: A 'Message for Life' by Archbishop Leo of Toronto

A letter from Toronto Archbishop Francis Leo posted on the archdiocesan web site earlier this month.

  • May 25, 2023

Editorial: Fanatics can’t change

The fanaticism to which self-styled pro-choice politics have descended bears out the definition attributed to Churchill that fanatics cannot change their minds and will not change the subject.

Readers Speak Out: May 21, 2023

Effective balance

Ontario’s effective referral policy that Quinton Amundson refers to in “Euthanasia document authors’ biases questioned” was upheld by the Court of Appeal because it was found to serve the important social and public benefit of ensuring equitable access to health care. 

In child care, time to burst Ottawa’s bubble

“By the fifth year of life if everything is continuous and safe then emotional intimacy begins… The first issue is always to establish strong, deep emotional connections with those who are raising you. And that should be our emphasis in society. If we did this, we would send our children to school late, not early.”

Rules shape us

The golfer who sits unshakeably atop the game’s pantheon as the sport’s greatest player ever is also regarded by many who follow its 500-year history as a paragon of rule-bound propriety.

The new evangelization begins with ourselves

On the fifth Sunday of Easter in the Byzantine rite we commemorate the Samaritan woman at the well who meets Jesus and hears the Gospel preached. To Jews such as Our Lord the Samaritans were distinctly the “other,” worshipping God in a way that the Jews rejected. Among the many important aspects of this Gospel passage one that merits greater discussion in our day is the preaching of the Gospel to those who are not “us.” We encounter in the Gospels many occasions when Jesus meets non-Jews such as when He meets the Syro-Phoenician woman (Mark 7:24-30), or when the Roman centurion requests healing for his slave (Luke 7:2-10), or when He heals the Gerasene. Our Lord does not limit His saving ministry to His fellow Jews; He comes as the promised Messiah calling all people to salvation.