Leah Perrault: Resistance as choosing death
Resistance is an old friend of mine. She knows the arc of my back and places a comforting hand on my shoulder to let me know I am not alone. But three times in the same week, I heard familiar words from Deuteronomy: “See, I have set before you life and prosperity, death and adversity. Choose life.”
Peter Stockland: Good news during Quebec’s secular winter
In the week when the Quebec government announced cancellation of the last substantial religious element of provincial school curriculum, Concordia University’s Catholic Students Association was reaching out to those starting the winter term.
Cathy Majtenyi: Euthanasia questionnaire asks the wrong questions
Somewhere tucked between Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s press conferences earlier this month about the tragedy of the Ukrainian Airlines crash was a bombshell of another kind: changes coming to federal legislation that pave the way for more Canadians to end their lives prematurely.
Editorial: Two’s a crowd
The Hollywood production The Two Popes has been earning Oscar nominations and praise as a must-see movie. But the film, which imagines conversations in 2012 between an aging Pope Benedict XVI and the soon-to-be Pope Francis, is a two-hour escape into fiction, totally unlike the drama now unfolding which stars the past and current pope.
Readers Speak Out: January 26, 2020
Narrow viewpoint
Re: Lost cause (Letters to the Editor, Dec. 29):
So sad to read John Killackey’s narrow viewpoint of the recent political downfall of the Conservatives.
Bob Brehl: Do co-parenting sites threaten family?
Skipping love and marriage and going straight to the baby carriage is a growing phenomenon with a myriad of websites popping up over the last few years that link adults who want children, but not romance.
- By Robert Brehl
Fr. Raymond de Souza: We musn’t lose sight of who created nature
KANYAKUMARI, TAMIL NADU, INDIA -- A new year is upon us, which comes first a new day. At Kanyakumari each new day is marked with festivity.
Francis Campbell: Doing your best is 2020’s best resolution
The early days of 2020 have already relegated many best intentions and New Year’s resolutions to the try-again-next-year bin.
Glen Argan: Maltese set an example for hospitality
Many posters promoting the theme of this year’s Week of Prayer for Christian Unity — “They Showed Us Unusual Kindness” — include photos of a small battered rowboat to illustrate the shipwreck which landed St. Paul on the island of Malta. The story in the Acts of the Apostles (28:1-10) is short on details about that unusual kindness.
- By Glen Argan
Readers Speak Out: January 19, 2020
Moral cowardice
Canada’s ministers of foreign affairs and defence, Francoise-Philippe Champagne and Harjit Sajjan, should not have implied that our government generally supports U.S President Donald Trump’s actions toward Iran, including his order to assassinate an Iranian general on Iraqi soil.
Editorial: Victims of madness
What does war look like? It has many faces and countless innocent victims.