Pope Francis: Do you read the Bible as often as you check your phone?
VATICAN CITY – On the first Sunday of Lent, Pope Francis said if we want to fight against the temptation of sin, we must be familiar with the Word of God – treating the Bible more like how we treat our cellphone.
A new generation of Benedict XVI scholars is on the rise in Rome
ROME, Italy – The theological legacy of Benedict XVI continues, four years after his pontificate came to an end.
Fasting: Lent's spiritual practice creates space for prayer
WASHINGTON – There is no getting around fasting during Lent.
Pope Francis' latest prayer video spotlights Christian persecution
VATICAN CITY – In his prayer video for March, Pope Francis prays for persecuted Christians, asking for the prayers and aid of the whole Church toward those mistreated on the basis of their beliefs.
Our challenge is to put total trust in God
Second Sunday of Lent, March 12 (Year A) Genesis 12:1-4; Psalm 33; 2 Timothy 1:8b-10; Matthew 17:1-9
When we depart on a journey, preparations and planning are the order of the day.
Papal academies: Bigger threat to planet is greed, not population growth
VATICAN CITY – Increasing threats against biodiversity, unsustainable use of the earth's resources and accelerated extinction rates are driven more by overconsumption and unjust wealth distribution than by the number of people on the planet, a Vatican workshop concluded.
Daily Lenten to-do list helps in Easter preparations
The season of Lent is all about preparing, which means there are plenty of to-do lists for Catholics as they count down the days to Easter Sunday and the Resurrection.
There’s honest sin and dishonest sin
There’s an axiom which says: Nothing feels better than virtue.
Lent shines a light on our path to renewal
Andrew and Martha sat glumly. They were stuck in the same argument they’d had so many times before in their life together as a couple. One stabbed using sharp words, the other stonewalled using the silent treatment.
Pope at Ash Wednesday Mass: Lent breathes life into world asphyxiated by sin
ROME – Lent is a time to receive God's breath of life, a breath that saves humanity from suffocating under the weight of selfishness, indifference and piety devoid of sincerity, Pope Francis said.
Lent isn’t just about penance – it’s also a time of hope, Pope Francis says
VATICAN CITY – On Ash Wednesday Pope Francis said that while Lent is certainly a time of mortification, it’s also a journey of hope that leads to the joy of Christ’s Resurrection – a journey that requires both daily sacrifice and love.