Committed citizens can lead on climate change

At least give Alberta Premier Danielle Smith and her government credit for chutzpah. During a summer when Canadian forests were burning at an unprecedented rate and tens of thousands of people were evacuated from their homes, the government imposed a seven-month moratorium on the approval of new projects using renewable energy to produce electricity.

Keeping Vatican II’s ecumenical spirit alive

Fifty-eight years ago, the Second Vatican Council gave birth to the Decree on Ecumenism, in November 1965. Most have forgotten that the decree was passed by a vote of 2,137 to 11 of the bishops assembled at the Council.

Mother Ukraine turns into freedom’s symbol

I hated her the first time I saw her. That was in 1989. Definitely not a case of “love at first sight.

The Catholic choice is true dignity

It has been just over seven years since Canadian law has permitted euthanasia and assisted suicide on demand. In those seven years restriction after restriction on euthanasia provision has fallen and now we stand on the threshold of euthanizing the mentally ill and permitting the as-yet-undefined “mature minor” to end his or her life. Euthanasia is now presented to patients as a health care option.

Message for humanity: Shut the AI up

For individuals of a certain age, the cataclysmic impact of AI has been an existential threat for more than half a century. Many of us grew up with the haunting voice of the predatory artificial intelligence, HAL, from Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey, resonating ominously, and dispassionately, in our ears.

Summer wildfires lead from fear to eternity

People jumping into a lake to escape being consumed by flames. Roadways jammed with vehicles on the move. Kilometre-long line-ups to airstrips offering evacuation flights.

Finding Jesus in the rock of community

We are last to push off from the shore into Oxbow Lake. I am in a canoe with Steph and Ava, two high school students from the Toronto Catholic District School Board. Ahead of us are 30 other TCDSB students ranging from Grades 10-12. For many of them it is their first time paddling a canoe. We are bringing up the rear to ensure no one goes astray. Leading the pack at the front is Greg Rogers, founder of this week-long Catholic Leadership program at Camp Olympia near Huntsville, Ont. He is taking us all to see Jesus.

Where's the proof

Canada’s True North has reported that 83 churches have now been desecrated, vandalized or burned to the ground since the announcement that graves were found near residential schools in Kamloops, British Columbia. However, no actual graves have been excavated and no definitive wrong proven. But those who don’t like Catholics and the Catholic Church were given the green light to attack churches and frighten believers. And what has been the response to the destruction from the bishops and the government? Silence.

Editorial: More pronoun absurdity

Canada’s Federal Court may have unwittingly brought us to peak gender pronoun nonsense. We can only hope — or better yet pray — for a return to earth it puts our feet back on sensible ground.

Verbatim: Letter from Bishop Hansen to his flock following NWT evacuations

Mackenzie-Fort Smith Bishop Jon Hansen was among the thousands of evacuees forced to flee the Northwest Territories due to the wildfires. The bishop has been keeping in touch with his flock online.

  • August 31, 2023

The kit and caboodle of Catholic priesthood

If you’ve ever wondered: “Why do I need to confess my sins to a priest?”…we need to talk. I truly don’t mean to be insulting or condescending, but any Catholic who asks this question is in need of remedial catechesis. But, I get it. We haven’t been catechized properly, enough or at all — and we haven’t kept up studying our faith as adults.