New life after the wound of divorce

Every year over a million children experience a tragic milestone: seeing their parents divorce. In fact, when combined with unmarried parents who split up, it’s now estimated that fewer than half of all children today will spend their childhood together with their parents in a unified home.

Find grace and joy in riding the waves

Every summer, I wait and hope for our plans to cooperate with the weather and give us a day or two on the lake with my parents’ beautiful boat. We need the sunshine to keep us warm enough and the wind to stay mild enough that we can pull the tube behind the boat. The driver and the wind work together to make waves, and the riders delight at the efforts to stay on or fall in. On these rare and perfect days, I might be the biggest kid of all.

Diplomacy must trump the barrel of a gun

Some World Youth Day pilgrims in Portugal were critical of Pope Francis for failing to condemn Russia’s brutal invasion of their homeland.

Sin and error

In “How the Church Failed Sinead O’Connor” (Aug. 13-20 issue) Katherine Bennett implies that the Church is responsible for the sad life and death of singer Sinead O’Connor.

Editorial: Speak right or be cast out

In the deep mists of mid-20th century Quebec political mythology there glowered a tribe of hybrid juggernaut-Amazonian English-speaking women popularly known as “Speak White” Eaton’s counter clerks.

Verbatim: CCCB contribution toward Health Canada's consultation on palliative care

Part of the Canadian bishops’ contribution toward Health Canada’s consultation on palliative care.

  • August 24, 2023

Charity demands shaking hands at Mass

One of the most oft-quoted passages of the New Testament is 1 Corinthians 13:1: “If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.” The ensuing verses are probably the most popular option for the epistle in the Roman Catholic Nuptial Mass and why wouldn’t it be at an occasion when we are celebrating the love between the bride and groom?

Time for us to stop screening calls from God

A few years ago — let’s say 20 — I watched as the police handled a disturbance. An elderly gentleman was standing in the middle of the sidewalk talking animatedly to an invisible friend. It seemed to be a delightful conversation, and the man actually excused himself to his imaginary friend when the authorities intervened.

Seeing children as blessings not barriers

“The joys of parenthood: apparently the best kept secret.”

Editorial: We’re sticking to the facts

The contemporary political and cultural mood demands recall of what would normally be a blinding statement of the obvious in a liberal democracy: expression is not automatically endorsement.

Verbatim: Message of thanks from Pope Francis to the volunteers of World Youth Day

Message of thanks from Pope Francis to the volunteers of World Youth Day XXXVII during his Apostolic Journey to Portugal.

  • August 10, 2023